Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 11- Yet they were diligent

This week we covered Mosiah 4-14. I wish that you could be a fly on the wall of my class so that you too could learn new things or have old things be confirmed anew. Each week I share only a little peek into all that could be gleaned from the chapters that I read. Deciding what to share each week is a difficult task, because I want you to be filled spiritually like I am.

I love many things about contents of the Book of Mosiah. I love the counsel from King Benjamin. I marvel at Abinadi and his faith, strength, and courage.

The Book of Mormon is repetitious. There is a God. God is LOVE. Repent and return. Christ will come. Some repeated ideas that caught my eye in these chapters were obedience and diligence. Mosiah 4:27 is quoted often about man not running faster than he has strength. Then it continues, "It is expedient that he should be diligent".  Mosiah 5:5 Obedience "in all things that [God] shall command us." Mosiah 6:6 King Mosiah followed after King Benjamin and "did walk in the ways of the Lord,...and did keep his commandments in all things whatsoever he commanded him." Mosiah 7:33 Serve the Lord "with all diligence of mind". Mosiah 8:8 They were lost, and "yet they were diligent".

Abinadi was surely diligent and obedient. We get a glimpse of Abinadi in chapter 7. Then in chapter 11 Abinadi preaches to the people and they hate him for it. Two years later he is commanded to return to King Noah and his people. This must have been faith-testing. I feel like he knew what he was headed into. I think that he knew he was going to die. He had to wear a disguise just to get into the city. I feel like there is similitude to the Savior and to Joseph Smith in this story. He subjected himself to these unworthy men, even when he knew that he was not going to be treated fairly. He diligently obeyed and asked that those that he taught to examine themselves concerning their own obedience and then make changes. In the end he stood firm in his testimony. He diligently stood tall and demanded that God's message be heard and once he had fulfilled what God had asked of him he tells them, "It matters not whither I go, if it so be that I am saved."

He is sure in his testimony. He was obedient and he, like Nephi, went and did as God commanded him. He did not run faster than his strength, but I am sure that it took time for him to strengthen himself to be ready for such a mission. Diligence and obedience builds strength for future endeavors. I hope that as I continue in my own testimony that I will be strengthened in my efforts and be able to run faster and further in the future.

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