Saturday, October 25, 2014

What an Experience! - Sister Beck

SFL Alumni Honoree Guest Lecture: Julie B. Beck.
“What an Experience!” Given Thursday, October 16, 2014 at Brigham Young University
(These are my notes from the lecture.)

            Sister Julie Bangeter Beck gave a lecture for the School of Family Life. Her main topic covered her experiences at Brigham Young University, and she also talked about lessons she has learned. While her focus did not pertain to Human Development directly, I was provided with strength for my personal development.
            She related a story about her parents making goals when they got married. One of the goals was that they wanted all of their children to get a college degree. Her parents have ten children. All ten graduated at BYU. She said that we sometimes think that dreams will come magically out of everyday life and going through the motions. This goes back to Adam and Eve. They had expected life to be one way, and their transgression (or “life experience” Sister Beck said) gave them more. She referred to Moses 5:10-11. Our life experience may be more difficult than we anticipate, but we can look back with appreciation. She mentioned the commandment to “Be Fruitful”. “You don’t need a book to remember that.” We can be fruitful in all aspects of life.
Her journey at BYU was a bit non-traditional. Sister Beck attended Dixie College even after a High School counselor had advised her against college because she did not have the grades and was not smart enough. She graduated from Dixie. She and her husband relocated to BYU. After paying tuition, they had $3 left until they got to their next payday. By some miracle they made it. After a semester or two she stopped school so she could work to help them get by. She had a few children, and then, because of the help of family, specifically one sister, she was able to go back to finish. She even attended school with 5 of her siblings. He mother made them all a bologna sandwich every day, and she ate it regardless of her dislike of bologna. She took 18 credit hours per semester. She put her books away when she was home with her children. How she managed to take care of her family, act as Primary President, and pass all of her classes, I do not know. She talked of being able to organize well, and how she had better thinking and communication skills. She knew what a priority was better than some of her younger classmates.
This was the most inspiring part of her talk concerning my own development. I am a transfer, non-traditional student. I am married and have three young children. I am so blessed and so overwhelmed. I was not planning on returning to school until my youngest was, at least, in first grade, but I received a prompting. God got her through all of it. He will help me too.
She finished her lecture with the following life lessons.
Be Fruitful
            The world discourages fruitfulness. Multiply your family, talents, and abilities. We are here to have dominion and leadership.
Life is a battle against inertia
            Getting up is harder than getting going. Break down big projects into small bites. Her mother had them do “1, 2, 3, 4” every day. 1. Get up. Get on your knees. 2. Prayer. 3. Scriptures. 4. Get dressed (and make bed).
Try to be happy
            Pray to be happy and work at being happy now. Crisis+Time=Humor. Be of Good cheer. 
Life is a battle of Priorities
            It is essential, necessary, or nice to do. Do the essentials daily. Do service.
Mistakes are how we learn
            Mistakes are how we learn, so get started on mistakes! She was not provided a translator on a visit to another country. Had to speak Spanish asking “¿Cómo se dice...?” often. Life is mistakes and the atonement liberates us.
Give service
            There is nothing like serving to reveal weaknesses, humility, and to purify. Rely on the Lord.
There is always a way out of a problem
            Use at least two heads for every problem, and one of them should be the Lord’s. We all have more support than we think we have. 
Relationships that are worth it never go smoothly
            Families are a crucible. Investment in family takes time.
Our own vision of life is too limited without God
Seek, receive, and act on revelation. Holy Ghost + Atoning power=Amazing partnership. The Lord needs valiant servants.

 (Sister Beck had many family members attend including her mother, husband, siblings, children, and grandchildren. She answered a few questions following her lecture.)

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